Arab Fertilizer Association

Public Relations

About Workgroup

We believe that the public relations policies plays an immensely crucial role.
This role is built on the foundation of engaging with the challenges faced by AFA member companies, emphasizing the proactive role of public relations in coordinating, collaborating, raising awareness, and educating, with the necessity of focusing on coordination between member companies and various related institutions to respond to the needs and requirements of member companies through the AFA.


 Addressing the needs and requirements of AFA member companies from various aspects while, creating a positive and unique image.


Exploring the most suitable approaches between the AFA and its member companies to achieve their objectives while considering societal values, standards, laws, and general ethics within the community.

Public Relations Workgroup Objectives

Exchanging opinions and analyzing trends.

Highlighting the AFA's programs and services.

Conducting opinion research and surveys.

Providing modern and efficient communication channels suitable for both the AFA and member companies.

Coordinating among member companies to serve the industry.

Enhancing mutual communication between the AFA and Arab and international organizations.