Arab Fertilizer Association

Energy Saving

About Workgroup

The Arab Fertilizer Association recognizes that fertilizer production is an energy-intensive field, with fertilizer production consuming approximately 1.2% of total global energy share, while ammonia production alone accounts for 94% of the total energy consumption within this industry.

Therefore, energy conservation is considered a crucial factor in improving the economics of fertilizer plants. This, in turn, leads to cost reduction in production and subsequently lower product prices, ultimately promoting the responsible use of fertilizers and enhancing agricultural productivity.

Taking into consideration the above-mentioned context, the Arab Fertilizer Association has established an Energy Efficiency Working Group to assist its members in identifying energy conservation initiatives and implementing them effectively.


Ensuring that members of the Arab Fertilizer Association, to continuously work towards energy efficiency in all stages of fertilizer production, transportation, and utilization.


Drive energy-efficiency excellence across the fertilizer industry by collaborating with stakeholders, advocating for supportive policies, quantifying benefits, building capacity, and exploring new technologies, contributing to a sustainable and secure food system

Energy Saving Workgroup Objectives

Identifying technical solutions aimed at energy conservation (energy management) while simultaneously engaging in fertilizer production, transportation, and utilization.

Establishing energy conservation systems (environmental management) and improving systems that continually enhance environmental standards, particularly in relation to energy conservation (energy management).

Preparing an energy efficiency strategy for fertilizer producers​

Preparing an energy efficiency strategy for fertilizer producers

Disseminating technological advancements aimed at reducing energy consumption rates.​

Setting energy standards that promote efficiency and improvement.