About Workgroup
The HSE Working Group is considered a vital link among the AFA members, engaging professionals specializing in occupational health, safety, and environmental fields. This group serves as a platform for the exchange of Arab experiences and expertise,aimed at supporting and implementing various initiatives in these domains.
It also seeks to establish and foster relationships and partnerships with regional and international organizations recognized in the fields of health, safety, and the environment.
Elevating health, safety, and environmental standards for all members of the Arab Fertilizer Association and disseminating its culture to safeguard human welfare and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the fertilizer sector.

In the pursuit of developing the industrial base of Arab fertilizers industry and contributing to global food security, we consistently emphasize the importance of all member companies of the AFA prioritizing health, safety, and environmental aspects, in parity with operational efficiency and productivity. This can only be achieved through sincere commitment, active participation, and genuine contributions from the AFA member companies. Such collective efforts and the support to reshap the future image of the fertilizer sector, illuminated by the actual practices in the realms of health, safety, and the environment.
HSE Workgroup Objectives

Establishing a comprehensive database to capture the current state and performance of health, safety, and environmental practices.

Promoting awareness and knowledge-sharing within the AFA regarding health, safety, and environmental practices.

Disseminating individual research efforts conducted by AFA members in the realms of health, safety, and the environment for collective benefit.

Developing benchmarking guidelines to assess the status of AFA members in the fields of health, safety, and the environment, measuring their alignment with global standards.

Using surveys and other tools, such as competitions among AFA members, to encourage them to raise their Capabilities in terms of health, safety, and the environment; additionally, providing unique incentives to encourage competitiveness amongst businesses.

Creating educational publications, particularly those related to lessons learned from incidents, investigative methodologies, and related topics.